The history of African art and its relationship to colonialism is a tumultuous one. To begin with, most African art resides outside of Africa, like in France, where recently Macron, France´s president, declared that all African art should be returned to its place of origin. But that´s where one can see the complications that lie behind the relationship between African art and colonialism. There are those who, from a colonialist and privileged perspective, claim that African art would not be art had it not been for the West´s efforts to secure it, protect it and put it on display. But others, speaking from a perspective of historical responsibility, claim that African art, like any other form of art that has been developed around the world, serves an aesthetic purpose for the cultures where it was created and therefore it should be immediately returned to its place of origin. These complications will not very likely be resolved in the coming years, but certainly the discussion has begun and the dignity and relevance of African art cannot be denied anymore.