Part A
Get rid of B. That speech was a declaration of war -- which was the main purpose of it being given. Feeling safe was no longer an option.
A: A might be your second best answer. The attack on Pearl was not the only event that happened. There were 7 others listed. (The sinking of ships between San Francisco and Honolulu also counts as a military act of aggression).
C: The speech did exactly that. See A above. But if that was all it did, it would have been forgotten in the dust bin of history. I wouldn't pick that.
D: there is nothing there that even hints at "I told you so." Leave D. In fact the opposite is true.
I don't know what you should answer. Roosevelt was angry that he was deceived along with the rest of America. I suppose I would pick A. But the question is very poor in my opinion.
A but don't be surprised if it is C which would be an outrage.