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Assignment: 07.02 Seasons Writing Assignment

Write a letter, in simple Spanish, to a friend.

Include the following items:
Choose a Spanish-speaking country you would like to visit.
Tell the month you will visit.
Tell what the weather is like during each season. (use the weather vocabulary form this chapter)
Mention at least five articles of clothing that you will need for the trip.

Here is a little help to get you started.
Yo voy a... = I am going to... (add the country you chose)
En la primavera hace fresco... (in the spring it's cool).- Tell the weather for all 4 seasons.-
Yo llevo... = I bring (tell five clothing items you have in your luggage.)

1 Answer

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voy a ir a colombia, en abril, para que puedo ir en el primavera. En colombia el primavera esta muy chevere, porque ay muchos flores. Y porque es la tempuratura esta bien no tan calliente pero no tan frijo. Cuando voy a ir voy a llevar un camiseta de el selcecion Colombia, porque ellos le gestan futbol, tambien shorts porque esta un poquito calliente, tambiene gafas de sol, porque ay mucho sol, tambien my telephono porque voy a sacar fotos, Finalmente voy a trayer un goro de sol.