Researchers have time and again highlighted the importance of strong interpersonal relationships in young adulthood.
Meaningful relationships can help people thrive. In a study, researchers state that thriving involves 5 components of well-being : happiness, having purpose and meaning in life, psychological well-being , social well-being, and physical well-being.
Adequate support, whether it is from a spouse, parent, sibling, friend or mentor can have a profound impact on the life of a person. There are two types of support that an individual can receive from a relationship. The first one is support during adverse conditions, which allows the person to grow and succeed in spite of stressful conditions.
The other type of support allows a person to thrive in the absence of adverse conditions by promoting full participation in life opportunities for exploration, growth, and personal achievement. Even in the absence of stressful situations, people need support to broaden their horizons , enhance their sense of well-being and this can be provided by meaningful relationships.
It is essential to mention that if people don't establish meaningful relationships, they can experience profound negative effects on their emotional well being, psychological well being and physical well being.