East African Plateau
Step-by-step explanation:
In the central-eastern African portion, the earth's crust expands through a series of oriented geological faults from northwest to southeast and northeast to southeast. These failures are the manifestation of an early process of formation of an oceanic dorsal, the first result of which was the separation of the Arabian peninsula and the emergence of the Red Sea during the tertiary era. They originate, therefore, from recent tectonic movements, about 70 million years ago, and make up the Rift Valley, or “big pit” region, marked by the presence of large mountains and deep depressions, where they stand out. the highlands of Ethiopia and the Great Lakes. In the latter, the massifs of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, of volcanic origin, rise, where the highest altitudes of the continent are located: the Elgon hills (4,321m), the Ruwenzori (5,119m), Kenya (5,494m), and the culmination of the continent, the Kilimanjaro (5,895m).