According Investigations and Data from the Violence Policy Center’s ultimate studies, statistics reveals that in 2015 – dicriminating only by race and social settings- 86% of the homicides in case of domestic violence were intra-racial, it means that offenders and victims were of the same race. In the case of black women were murdered by men at a rate more than twice as high as white women. American Native women were murdered at a higher rate by men than white women. Just Asian and Pacific islanders women were the least to be murdered in cases of domestic violence. Hispanic women couldn’t be determined because of lack of data collection.
A woman is more likely to be killed by her spouse or a family member, than by a stranger, about 64% of the cases. Most often, women were killed by men in the course of an argument and most frequently with a firearm.
In 2015, according to this statistics, black women were murdered by men 2.43 per 100,000 versus 0.96 per 100,000 (more than twice as high as white women).