The correct match for the rhythm names and their representation is:
1. DUM da trochee (trochaic)
2. da da DUM anapest (anapestic)
3. da DUM iamb (iambic)
4. DUM da da dactyl (dactylic)
Step-by-step explanation:
To understand these answers we need to analyze all of them. First, Iambic foot is the composition of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, building a da bum structure. Second, Trochaic is a meter in poetry composed by a long syllable, or stressed syllable followed by a short syllable, or an unstressed one. Creating a Dum da structure. Third, Dactylictis is a foot in poetry composed of a long syllable followed by two short syllables. Building a DUM da da structure. Fourth, Anapestic is a foot in poetry composed of two short syllables and a short one. Creating a dada Dum structure.