(1204 ; 1288) ;
(1162 ; 1330) ;
(1120 ; 1372)
Given that:
Mean, m = 1246 years
Standard deviation, s = 42 years
68% is within one standard deviation the mean ;
Therefore 68% equals ;
mean ± 1(standard deviation)
(1246 - 1(42)) ; (1246 + 1(42))
1204 ; 1288
B) b. a range of years centered 95% about the mean in Which about Of the data (tree-ring dates) will be found between______ and ________ A.D.
95% is within two standard deviation of the mean ;
Therefore 95% equals ;
mean ± 2(standard deviation)
(1246 - 2(42)) ; (1246 + 2(42)
(1246 - 84) ; (1246 + 84)
(1162 ; 1330)
c. a range of years centered about the mean in Which almost all the data (tree-ring dates) Will be found between_____ and A.D.
About 99.7% which is within 3 standard deviations of the mean
99.7% is within 3 standard deviations of the mean ;
Therefore ;
mean ± 3(standard deviation)
(1246 - 3(42)) ; (1246 + 3(42))
(1120 ; 1372)