Once I had a conflict at primary school.I was in 4th grade.Every summer , during the afternoon on weekends, my parents used to take a nap and as I did not wat to do so, I went to the bookshelf and randomly took some book to read.I was just 9 and found Romeo and Juliet.I read it, I did not understand very much about love but I could see this boy and girl could not make it happen and it saddened me.When I went back to school and the teacher asked about our summer activities , I told her what I had read.She said I was a lier, that I should be ashamed.They called mum , who happened to be a teacher too.She asked the principal and my teacher-Did you ask the girl about the play'?How could you tell she was lying?-The room was in silence and my mum left.I started loving Shakespeare ever since and I became a teacher.I believe in what my students say and I never accuse them of anything without proof.