5 votes

1/ You have been learning a lot of new words for body parts in French. For this activity, you need to teach someone in your family (or circle of friends) the French version of the song Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. You may also choose to teach a few other body parts while you're at it! (5 points)

2/ Record yourself telling your teacher who you taught and how easy or hard it was to teach and for that person to learn the song. (5 points)
(I will do this but can you just Type what I'd have to say?)

3/ Record yourself singing this song in French. (10 points)
(I will do this but can you just Type what I'd have to say?)

User Ranta
8.1k points

2 Answers

6 votes

Bonjour !


Tête. Épaules. Les genoux. Orteils.

Tête. Épaules. Les genoux. Orteils.

Les yeux. Oreilles. Bouche. Nez.

Tête. Épaules. Les genoux. Orteils.

Tête, épaules, genoux et orteils, genoux et orteils.

Tête, épaules, genoux et orteils, genoux et orteils.

Et les yeux et les oreilles et la bouche et le nez.

Tête, épaules, genoux et orteils, genoux et orteils.

2/ Record yourself telling your teacher who you taught and how easy or hard it was to teach and for that person to learn the song.

J'ai appris cette chanson à ma mère.

Il était très facile de lui enseigner et de lui apprendre cette chanson.

User Surajeet Bharati
7.8k points
3 votes


all I can do, I think is to translate this song ....

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes ===============> la tête et les épaules, les genoux et les pieds, les genoux et les pieds

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose . ---------------------------------------------------> et les yeux et les oreilles et la bouche et le nez .

Teach some other parts ...

neck = cou

shoulder = épaule

head = tête

forehead = front

eyebrow = sourcil

eyelash = cil / eyelashes = cils

lips = lèvres

tooth = dent // teeth = dents

chin = menton

chest = poitrine

stomach = estomac

elbow = coude

wrist = poignet

hand = main

hip = hanche

leg = jambe

ankle = cheville

toe = doigt de pied

finger = doigt (de main)

thumb = pouce

foot = pied // feet = pieds

????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no more ideas !!!

I think I can't help you anymore .... ^_^

User Magjac
7.6k points