26- aquél
27- éstas
28- ésas
29- debo
30- puede
Step-by-step explanation:
In this exercise, you have to fill in the blanks with the correct form of the Spanish demonstrative adjectives. Demonstrative adjectives demonstrate a quality about the noun they modify, in this case, the location of the noun they refer to in respect to the speaker or the listener. Their specific uses and their different forms (singular/plural and masculine/feminine) are the following:
Ése/ esas/ esos/ esas
Ese is used to point out nouns that are further from the speaker and not easily within reach. This is the case of sentence 26:
26. Me gusta el carro que está lejos. Me gusta ése carro (I like this car). Carro is a masculine noun which is in the singular, so the correct form of the pronoun is "ése".
Éste/ ésta/ éstos/ éstas
Este is used to describe a noun that is close to the speaker and listener, as in sentence 27:
27. Me gustan las computadoras que están cerca de mí. Me gustan éstas computadoras (I like these computers). Computadoras is a feminine noun which is in the plural, so the correct form of the pronoun is "éstas".
Aquél/ aquella/ aquellos/ aquellas
Aquel is used to talk about nouns that are far away from both the speaker and the listener, as in sentence 28.
28. A mi padre le gustan las islas muy lejos de nuestra casa. Le gustan aquellas islas (My father likes those islands). Islas is a feminine noun and it is in the plural so the correct form of the pronoun in this case is "aquellas".
The last two sentences (29 and 30) must be completed with the correct modal verb between brackets:
29. ¿Adónde debo ir yo para tomar el examen. (should) The verb "deber" is conjugated in the present of the indicative mood of the 1st person singular, as the subject is "I".
30. Él puede nadar muy bien. (can) The verb "podes" is conjugated in the present of the indicative mood of the 3rd person singular, as the subject is "he".