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descirbe the motion of the block oncw the rocket turned off. What would it take to get the block to acclereate again?

User Amiref
5.5k points

1 Answer

6 votes


HW3 Motion (Ldimension _ obiecL acceleralions) Question rocket on the ground is launched with an acceleration of 40 m/s $ upward. seconds inlo the flight the engine shuts off: Assume there no air resistance. Preliminary questions The acceleraton of the rocket i5 40 mls/5. Do you have t0 then adjust this acceleration wth the acceleration due t0 gravity? When Ihe engine shuts ofl, which molion variable(s) changes and how does change? Calculation What is the maximum height that the rocket reaches? At what time atter launch will tne rocket retum to the ground? Queslion You drive into 120 meter long block Irom the Ielt end at = constant speed of 21 mls_ Alter some Ume. you brake with constant acceleralion 0l 3 msls: You want come (0 slop at Ine right end of the block: How much time (Irom when you enter Ihe block) should you wail belore braking? How far down the block (from the left end) d2 you travel before braking? Question You are rest at stop sign; There another stop sign that is 100 meters away: Your maximum acceleration is mists and You maximum braking acceleration misis How much time do you spend acceleraling? How much time do you spend braking? What is the tolal travel lime? Over how much distance do you accelerate? Over how much distance do you brake? What is the tolal travel distanco?

Step-by-step explanation:

User Ross Halliday
5.5k points