Here we have to judge the way for which nuclear fusion is better than nuclear fission to generate electricity in power plants.
The way for which nuclear fusion is better than nuclear fission to generate electricity in power plants - Fusion does not produce radioactive waste products.
For the nuclear fission reaction one projectile is needed to hit the heavy element nucleus like ²³⁵₉₂U by neutron ¹₀n. The reaction:
²³⁵₉₂U + ¹₀n → ¹⁴¹₅₆Ba + ⁹²₃₆Kr + 3¹₀n + energy.
The reaction can not be ceased and always produce radioactive elements as the side product.
In nuclear fusion a huge heat energy is needed. The reaction can be shown as- ²₁H + ²₁H→ ₄²He + energy.
The reaction can be easily ceased and the ultimate product generated is not radioactive in nature which is environment friendly.