--Educate the general public about activities that can lead to the spread of invasive species.
--Implement conservation methods to restore endangered populations of native animals to the area.
Step-by-step explanation:
Invasive species is the species which comes from non-native land either due to human introduction or by their own. The invasive species compete with the members of the native species for resources.
The following are the steps will help prevent the introduction of invasive species into an area:
--Educate the general public about activities that can lead to the spread of invasive species.: The general public must be aware about the drawbacks and problems associated with the spread of invasive species.
--Implement conservation methods to restore endangered populations of native animals to the area.: The invasive species is likely to compete with the native species for resources. Hence, this can harm the population of the native species. This will kill the native species members to the extend that the species become endangered. The endangered members must be protected by using the conservation methods.