1. Spokesperson - person who speaks on behalf of a company, business, or group
2. Beat - to hurt physically, hit
3. Pesticide - a chemical that protects plants and crops from bugs and pests
4. Initiative - a plan or task that a person or group has begun
5. Remote - far away from the central population
6. Traffic - to trade illegally
7. Boycott - to refuse to use or buy something as an act of protest
8. Turn a blind eye - to pretend not to see something that is illegal or against the rules
9. Slave - an unpaid laborer who works against his or her will
10. Fair trade - legal and fair production of exports in developing countries
Step-by-step explanation:
When you're unsure about what a word or phrase means, you can look it up in a dictionary. A dictionary is an alphabetically arranged listing of words that contains different information about them, such as their definitions, examples, origin, pronunciation, etc. When you're given questions such as this one, it is the best tool you can use.