Since Kiara wishes to make substantial change, the best thing to do to effect change is to take action and in this case, this means to send the email to the authorities. So in the options available in the list, the best option would be: She should submit her email to the superintendent so her requests get reviewed.
With the first option, while it is a good idea to get her parents to read her email and add comments and ideas, this won't necessarily help her to make a true difference. The insight and experience of her parents will be quite beneficial as they will be able to guide her appropriately in how best to tackle the situation. However, adults tend to be quite cautious and so even when they offer tips, they may try to dissuade her from challenging the authorities.
The same logic would apply to bringing the email to her teacher. He/She may possibly be as cautious as Kiara's parents. Even more so since the teacher is directly involved in the education system and would not wish to be involved in the generation of such an email.
Bringing the email to the attention of her classmates may only bring additional comments and concerns to the fore but no true difference/change will be achieved.