I would need the values to construct the histogram. However, I can tell you what the terms mean if that helps!
Always use SOCS!
S - Spread
O - Outliers
C - Center
S - Shape
Spread - What is the range? (biggest value subtracted by the smallest value) What is the IQR (inter quartile range)? What is Q1 & Q3?
Outliers - Outlier formula: Q1 - (1.5 x IQR) for lower, and Q3 + (1.5 x IQR) for higher.
Center: What is the mean? (all of the values on the graph added together and divided by the total number of values used) What is the median? (middle number)
Shape: What is the shape of the graph? Is it skewed left? (Mean is greater than the median, and the graph leans to the right) Is it symmetric? (mean = median) Is it right skewed? (mean is less than the median, the graph leans toward the left)