1- Which of the following events is more likely to have been caused by climate change?
a. Tennessee and Oregon Wildfires
b. 2017 Hurricane Harvey
c. 2015 Michigan earthquake
d. Solar Eclipse
2- Looking at the “Summer Artic sea ice area” graph, what year had the lowest area of ice?
a. 2000
b. 1995
c. 2013
d. 1989
3- According to the “Global average sea level rise by 2100: four scenarios,” which answer BEST corresponds with the expected 1 meter of total sea level rise?
a. Highest
b. Intermediate-high
c. Intermediate-low
d. Lowest
4- According to the “U.S land area with unusually cold winter temperatures, 1911-2015” chart, in the year 1980, what is the percentage of land area was affected by the cold daily low average?
a. 40%
b. 70%
c. 20%
d. 55%
5- Which of the following is NOT a benefit from taking action to combat climate change?
a. Public H