1- The statement is true.
2- The correct answer is C. Assembly lines were highly efficient and led to increased population and higher wages.
3- The correct answer is A. Car ownership created a demand for car building materials and supported industries, gas stations and road construction, which created more middle-class jobs.
4- The statement is false.
5- The correct answer is D.
6- The correct answer is A. Both Coolidge and Harding administrations supported big businesses.
7- The correct answer is C.
8- The statement is false.
9- The statement is false.
Step-by-step explanation:
1- During the 1920's, income distribution favoured the middle class, which held 42% of the income and wealth generated throughout the nation. The roaring twenties were an expansive, prosper economic cycle. This prosperity benefited the whole society and caused the economy to continue growing at a rate that had not been registered before.
2- The assembly line increased productivity in factories. In the particular case of Ford Motor Company, improvements in productivity allowed Ford to increase the salary of its workers by 300%, as well as lower the price of his products.
3- Automobile production became the largest industrial segment in the United States, and the longest that has ever existed; the American automobile industry was much larger than the rest of the world combined. This caused the rest of the industrial production to be modified before this massive event. Thus, new routes were created and the fuel and mechanics business grew, among other industries.
4- Women's wages were not comparable to those of men by 1929. In fact, still today there's an unfair wage gap in which men earn better wages than women.
5- The rise of nativism and hostility towards foreign-born citizens during the 1920s was fueled by the influx of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, the rise of non protest in immigrants, and the belief that European immigrants held radical views of government and would diminish the American way of life.
6- Harding's administration was characterized by giving greater freedom to private capital, minimizing the interference of the federal government in economic matters, through high rates, low taxes for large private companies, deregulation of any federal agency accused of "restricting" the free market, and restrictions on the use of executive power in social affairs.
Coolidge showed a sincere interest in promoting laissez-faire in the American economy, rejecting state interventionism as much as possible, and reiterating that the country's economic growth experienced in the 1920s should be preserved through tax reductions, to promote industry and international trade.
7- The Harlem Renaissance was an African-American artistic movement that exposed many Americans to the experiences, triumphs and struggles of African-Americans.
8- The Twenty-seventh Amendment to the Constitution of the United States prohibits any law from increasing or decreasing the salary of members of the United States Congress and may take effect before an election of Representatives is held.
9- The Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States stipulates that neither the states of the United States nor the federal government can deny to citizens the right to vote because of their sex.