There are millions of compounds possible. They come in all sorts shapes and sizes and if you throw oxygen into the mix you can get many more. The hydrocarbons are the most common (and I might say the most used - mostly for fuels) of the Carbon Hydrogen pair of elements. That is likely the answer to the question you have asked.
Methane is CH4
Methyl Alcohol is a very common derivative (CH3OH). This stuff has many uses. Right now those of us living in what can be severe winter conditions might put this in our gas tanks. It absorbs water which can be really deadly in winter.
C8H18 is Octane. Your car won't leave home without it.
But there are other pairs that are possible
NaCl is ordinary table salt. Try living without that.
The list and combinations is quite extensive. If you knew everything there was to know about the Periodic Table and how it combines its members you would be a very wise chemistry student indeed.