..”Women’s work outside of the home was restricted to a handful of occupations such as domestic service..”
This line clearly reflects the influence culture has had on traditional female roles. Women for many cultures and religions are considered inferior to men, and do not have the same rights as them. Simple things as driving a car or voting have represented in many cultures conquests for women. Culturally, in the past women were educated and formed to be good housewives, perfect wives and dedicated mothers. All of these were fulltime “jobs”. Education was limited and active participation in decisions at home or in the society was not common. The women were not considered to be capable of doing the same tasks as men, and for that reason the only jobs that they were considered to be good at, were the ones related to housework or teaching.
In the modern times, especially in many Latin American countries, women still stay at home looking after the children and doing house labor while men work and provide for them. Culturally this is acceptable for them. Meanwhile, in many parts of the world, the women empowerment movement is growing exponentially to guarantee the same rights for education, employment, and salary for many girls and women all around the world.