1. The two enzymes p53 and Arf were injected with a genetically engineered technique and made the mice live longer than a normal mouse.
2. No, i don't think people should be able to be engineered to have high levels of the two enzymes unless it is for curing cancer. I don't think anyone should live forever even though I would like too, I don't think it would be a good idea. If everyone started living forever we would be increasing the amount of produce and resources we use up. There for most of the age-less will die from starvation (over-population). No, it should definitely not be allowed to happen in children, But if this does ever happen it should be like after your 22 years old. I know death is scary and we would all like to avoid it, but it would be in best interest for future generations that we did not live forever.
3. Potential problems that could result from this technology is we would run out of food, water, and space on earth. Eventually people would be floating off into space because of not being enough room on earth and people of older age would be sent off into space for the younger people to live on earth and the older people would suffer for eternity. The people who should be responsible for solving these problems are the engineers that injected people with the genetically enginnered technique in the first place because they would know more about the substance than anyone else.