A) Competition over land in the Americas
So, from the name of the war, "French & Indian War", you'd think that the war was between France and the Native Americans, but it wasn't. It was between Britain/British America (Iroquois, Cherokee, and Catawba) and France/New France (Wabanaki, Abenaki, Mi'kmaq, Algonquin, Lenape, Ojibwa, Ottawa, Shawnee and Wyandot). Both the French and British had fought alongside native tribes with the respective territories.
Both sides tried to invade the other's land, as it said in the answer. At the time, Britain controlled the colonies closest to the East Coast, like Maine, New York and Massachusetts, while France controlled Canada, which at the time was called "New France".
Out of the 11 battles that took place, the British won 8, eventually winning the war in 1763. This resulted in France surrendering the New France (Canadian) territory east of the Mississippi to Britain, as well as giving Louisiana to Spain.