1. To refrain by concerted action from using or purchasing a product or- boycott
2. To take by authority, or as if by authority. - confiscate
3. A reduction in the amount of jobs, money, and goods. - depression
4. An order restricting certain goods and/or ships from entering or leaving a country. - embargo
5. A person who comes into a foreign country or region to live. - Immigrant 6. The idea that the United States should extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific. - Manifest Destiny
7. The action of a state setting aside a national law it considers unconstitutional. - nulification
8. To acquire two opposite views, principles, or tendencies. - polarize
9. To leave an organized group. - secede
10. Support for one section without regard for the needs of the other sections or the nation as a whole. - Sectionalism
11. A duty levied by a government on imported or exported goods. - tariff