The sentence is: "As he spoke, he seized an armful himself from the pile where the Stag lay concealed, and at once detected him. "
Step-by-step explanation:
The climax is the most intense point in a story. It involves an important event that will have an effect on the outcome of the story. It's where the conflict reaches it highest point.
In this fable, the Stag hides under the hay. Men came but didn't notice it. One of the Oxen warns him that his master will notice him because nothing "escapes his keen eyes." We can see here that the event is somehow rising. The master comes in the stable and tells his men to feed the Oxen. The action is still rising. Something is going to happen. The turning point comes when the man grabs a pile of hay and sees the Stag: "As he spoke, he seized an armful himself from the pile where the Stag lay concealed, and at once detected him." This is the moment when the outcome will appear, either he kills him or keeps him. He finally kills him.