1. I honestly don't know anymore. Some days are bad, some days are good, some days are kinda in the middle.
2. People who think they are right and that they could never be wrong. Right people are ok, right people with too much confidence are a no no.
3. Maybe now? School is frustrating. Especially when you have bad grades but tell your parents you have As because you are in trouble if you have anything less.
4. Yes, but not in the weird way the question sounds. I'd love to babysit but not allowed to, and am fully looking forward to part taking in events like trunk or treats and Halloween for them.
5. Yes, as much as I like to say no it does. But it DOES depend on my attitude, sometimes I make fun of the insult at them, and sometimes I go to my room and sulk.
6. I want to do college. Not go because I want to do it online. But I also don't know if I want too. Other then that, it may sound stupid, but I want to become a utuber full time.
Wow...I feel weirdly satisfied.