Several fields of study were affected by the Mesopotamian legacy. To begin with, one of these legacies was various legal codes developed by Mesopotamian rulers. The most famous one was Hammurabi (1792-1750 B.C.E.), a Babylonian ruler who had various legal codes, guidelines, and precedents compiled.
Also, a collection of stories about ancient Mesopotamia which centered around a legendary king of Uruk, who was part god. That later became a model for heroic epics.
The the world's first writing technique was developed as well.
For administrative and trade purposes they also used mathematics. Starting with the use of clay tokens to represent stores and traded goods. The next step was the development of symbols.
The literature of Mesopotamia was also important.
Last but not least, the Babylonian astronomers could predict eclipses and solstices. They worked out a 12-month calendar based on the cycles of the moon. They divided the year into two seasons: summer and winter. The origins of astronomy and astrology date from this time.