The correct match of the verbs in English and Spanish is:
1. Pescar: to go fishing.
2. Pasear en bote: to go boating.
3. Practicar el motociclismo acuático: to jet ski.
4. Esquiar en agua: to water ski.
5. Hacer surf de vela: to go windsurfing.
6. Ir en canoa: to go canoeing.
Step-by-step explanation:
The verbs used in the exercises are composed verbs, I mean, verbs that have two or more words for being used, for know the correct verb that must be used, firstly, you must know what means everyone:
1. Pescar: To catch fish.
2. Pasear en bote: Making a short trip on a boat.
3. Practicar motociclismo acuático: Using a jet ski.
4. Esquiar en agua: Riding a ski dragged by a boat.
5. Hacer surf de vela: Riding a sailing boat.
6. Ir en canoa: Riding a canoe.
By this meanings, were selected the correct form in English.