The greatest common factor is 8xyz
To find the greatest common factor of an expression involving numbers and variables, we find each greatest common factor separately.
48, 24 and 56.
We find the greatest common factor factoring them simultaneously while all can be factored by the same number. The GCF is the multiplication of the factors. So
48 - 24 - 56|2
24 - 12 - 28|2
12 - 6 - 14|2
6 - 3 - 7|
They cant be factored by the same factors anymore, so the numeric GCF is 8.
For each variable, the GCF will be the lowest exponent.
Variable x: We have exponents 1, 2 and 2. So the GCF is
Variable y: We have exponents 3, 3 and 1. So the GCF is
Variable z: We have exponents 1, 1 and 1. So the GCF is
The greatest common factor is: