1. Even though he was already dying, Commodus learned that Marcus Aurelius chose General Maximus as his heir for restoring power in the Roman Senate. After killing his father, Commodus sentences Maximus to death and orders other soldiers to kill his wife and son.
2. After he buries his family, he collapses in their graves. Some traders find him and take him to a province in South Africa. Proximo buys him because he has the mark of the Legion and he thinks he is a deserter.
3. Maximus shows his leadership skills in battle, understanding the background of the other gladiators. He asks if anyone has been in the army and claims that they have a better chance to survive if the work as a team.
4. Maximus fights against the only undefeated gladiator in Rome (Tigris of Gaul), winning the fight and holding Tigris' fate in the Emperor's hands. Commodus votes for his death, but Maximus spares Tigris. This is an insult against Commodus but increased the audience approval. This is the reason for him to be known as 'Maximus the Merciful"
5.They planned to reunite Maximus with his army, which remained loyal to him. They wanted to remove Commodus from power. The plan failed as Commodus learned about his sister's betrayal from her son, and threatening her discovers the plot. Commodus ordered to kill the gladiators, but Maximus scapes. He uses Cicero, Maximus servant as bait in order to capture him and challenged him to a fight in front of the audience.
6. a) As Commodus knows that Maximus was a better fighter, he stabbed him with a stiletto.
b) Maximus manages to take off the sword from Commodus' hands, and even though he asks his soldiers for aid, they refuse. He then pulls out the hidden stiletto to use it against Maximus, but the latter kills him with it. In the end, as Maximus is dying, he sees his wife and soon in the afterlife. But before his reunion, he orders the release of the gladiators and the Senate, in order to restore the Republic as Marcus Aurelius wanted.
7. The role in the movie was to entertain the crowd and the emperor's position. It also showed the power of the royal family, as they decided at the end the fate of the defeated. It was also a way for prisoners to serve their sentence.
8. The adaptation is accurate to some extent, as gladiators were mostly purchased or serving a sentence. However, not all of them were forced to join as gladiators. Training them became a good business, and they were also considered and treated as athletes.