An Indirect Object Pronoun is a person that receives the action of a verb indirectly. Its purpose is to tell you to whom or for whom something is done. So we need to list six indirect object pronouns and write a Spanish sentence using one of these pronouns. In the Table below are indicated all the indirect object pronouns. Therefore:
1. me
The sentence I've chosen is:
Ella me ama mucho
Me is the indirect object pronoun for the first person singular. This person is yo and matches I in English. Since in this sentence the action to love is being performed for me, we use the indirect object pronoun me. On the other hand, ama is the conjugation of the verb amar for the third person singular in the simple present.
2. Te
The sentence I've chosen is:
Yo no te oigo a ti
Te is the indirect object pronoun for the second person singular. This person matches tú and means you all in English. Since in this sentence the action to hear is being performed for you, we use the indirect object pronoun te. On the other hand, oigo is the conjugation of the verb oír for the first person singular in the simple present.
3. Le
The sentence I've chosen is:
Juan le compró una rosa a Luisa
Le is the indirect object pronoun for the third person singular. This person matches él/ella and means he/she in English. Since in this sentence the action to buy a rose is being performed for Luisa, we use the indirect object pronoun le. On the other hand, compró is the conjugation of the verb comprar for the third person singular in the simple present.
4. Nos
The sentence I've chosen is:
La empresa nos debe dinero
Nos is the indirect object pronoun for the first person plural. This person matches nosotros and means we in English. Since in this sentence the action to owe money is being performed for us, we use the indirect object pronoun nos. On the other hand, debe is the conjugation of the verb deber for the third person singular in the simple present.
5. Os
The sentence I've chosen is:
Os bendigo a vosotros todos
Os is the indirect object pronoun for the second person plural. This person matches vosotros and means you in English. Since in this sentence the action to bless is being performed for you all, we use the indirect object pronoun os. On the other hand, bendigo is the conjugation of the verb bendecir for the first person singular in the simple present.
6. Les
The sentence I've chosen is:
Les dije la verdad a todos
Les is the indirect object pronoun for the third person plural and also used for the formal you (ustedes). Here in this sentence this indirect object pronoun is being used matching the third person plural. On the other hand, dije is the conjugation of the verb decir for the first person singular in the simple present.