1) Fill in the blank with the correct possessive adjective. Hint: Make sure it agrees in gender & number.
Tengo ___________ (their) libros.
Answer 1) Tengo sus libros.
2) Fill in the blank with the correct possessive adjective. Hint: Make sure it agrees in gender & number.
___________ (My) familia es grande.
Answer 2) Mi familia es grande
3) Fill in the blank with the correct possessive adjective. Hint: Make sure it agrees in gender & number.
________________ (our) hermano tiene un perro.
Answer 3) Nuestro hermano tiene un perro.
4)Translate the possessive phrase in parenthesis. Hint: Make sure you translate the whole phrase - including the name.
_______________(Maria's house) es roja.
Answer 4) La casa de María es roja.
5) Translate the possessive phrase in parenthesis. Hint: Make sure you translate the whole phrase - including the name.
Juan tiene _________________ (Ana's books).
Answer 5) Juan tiene los libros de Ana.