Hey! I'm here to help you:
1. En mi mochila hay marcadores, lapices, y libros.
Translation: In my bookbag there are, markers, pencils, and books.
2. En la clase de espanol hay dos sacapuntas.
Translation: In the spanish classroom, there are two pencil sharpeners.
3. Hay una pizarra en la clase de espanol.
Translation: There is one board in the spanish classroom.
4. Hay mas de veinte banderas en la clase de espanol.
Translation: There are twenty flags in the spanish classroom.
5. En la pizarra, en la clase de espanol, hay ocho marcadores.
Translation: On the board, in the spanish classroom, there are eight markers.
6. Hay quince pupitres en la clase de espanol.
Translation: There are fifteen desks in the spanish classroom.
7. En la clase de espanol, hay un reloj.
Translation: In the spanish classroom, there is one clock.
I really hope this helps!!:)