It is considered that Babylon had a vanguard political organization due to its great constructions and all the beauty that arose. The political system of the Babylonians was monarchical and was dominated by a king who, it was believed, was named by the god.
In addition, there was another leading group consisting of priests, military leaders, merchants and building owners in Babylon. Finally, there were the slaves.
The Babylonians were a polytheist society (they worshiped many gods), but the most important god was Marduk, which the Babylonians believed the other gods and the city of Babylon were subdued.
The main source of economy in Babylonia represented agriculture, which used an irrigation system through aqueducts, techniques that they acquired from the people they absorbed, the Akkadians and Sumerians.
Babylon was considered an impressive cultural center, as it had beautiful buildings and the famous hanging gardens that were unique at that time, as well as a centralized government system, which is why many villages settled around this city.