Step 1: deciding which job.
Step 2: loan officer, real estate agent, pharmacist
Step 3: salary, environment, education, work hours, location
Step 4: loan officer: salary is 63, 430. loan officer environment is an office. loan officer education is bachelors degree. loan officers work hours are full time and extensive hours. loan officers location is all over US.
real estate agent: salary is 45, 610. environment is frantic and fast paced. education is high school diploma, work hours are 40 hours but can also work on weekends. location is all over US.
pharmacist salary: is 121,500, environment is pharmacist or heal care place, education is doctoral or professional degree, work hours are 40 a week and sometimes holidays, location is all over US.
Step 5: pharmacist because you get payed a way lot more then you do than another job.