Your answer is: Chef/Cooking
Chef's have a higer chance of getting burned from a stove top because, they are always close to stove top's while cooking. Even if it's just stiring soup, they are still really close. In a kitchen, anything can happen which include burns. When a Chef is close to a stove top, they might touch a stove top, or bump there arm inoa stove top which happens quite often.
Deeper explanation:
1) Doctor's don't come in contact with hot burning stove top's while working at a hospital, therefore they can't get burned.
2) Construction worker's may come in contact with stoves but, the stove will most likley be turned off and not running.
3) Dentist don't touch stove's while they are working, infact most or even all Dentist offices's don't even have kitchen's, therefore Dentist's can't be burned.