Carranza faced problems with broken promises of the social reform that was promised in the Plan of San Luis Potosí. This plan created unrealistic expectations from the people.
This broken promises came to result in the Ten Tragic Days that was a coup de etát that lead to the execution of President Francisco Madero.
With that Venustiano Carranza proclaimed the Plan of Guadalupe. This plans includes Carranza as First Chief - with interim power over executive power - removes the current president General Victoriano Huerta and also removes Judicial and Legislative Powers.
This removed the militarism from power and the Constitutionalists gained control of the country. The problem was that there were rebel forces - Villa’s and Zapata’s - would break into civil war.
In 1915 the rebel forces lost the battle against Generals Obregón army and they surrendered.
In October 1915 the United States recognized Carranza as President of Mexico. Then he became head of - Preconstitutional Government - then he could put his plan in action and lay a reform program - included judicial reform, labor reform and, land reform.