The correct answer is: C) Quiero dárselo mañana.
Step-by-step explanation:
First I'll translate the questions and its correct answer to English.
When do you want to give the gift to Panco?
I want to give it to him tomorrow .
This last sentence, the answer, is making use of Double Object Pronouns. Double Object pronouns are used when there is a direct object (the noun receiving the action of the verb) AND an indirect object (the noun that is indirectly affected by the verb and answers the questions to whom or for whom) in the same sentence.
"Quiero dárselo mañana" is an shorter version of "Quiero darle el regalo a Panco mañana".
In bold we can see the direct object, in italics we can see the indirect object.
"Dárselo" is the verb "dar" (give) but modified to replace the Double Object Pronouns.