1- The correct answer is A. One of President Bush's actions in the War on Terror was creating the Office of Homeland Security.
2- The correct answer is C. In the election of 2000, the Supreme Court ruled "hanging chads" unconstitutional, which gave Florida's electoral votes to Bush.
3- The correct answer is B. Government monitoring of communications, bank accounts, and other personal details of U.S. citizens is enforced through the USA PATRIOT Act.
4- The correct answer is D. As an attempt by the government to stop any other attacks from happening on September 11, 2001, was telling all airplanes to land at the closest airport.
Step-by-step explanation:
1- The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a department of the United States Federal Government officially established on November 27, 2002 by the Homeland Security Act, at the initiative of President George W. Bush, in response to the attacks of 11 September 2001. Its purpose is to organize and ensure the internal security of the country.
2- In the 2000 elections in Florida, many votes were canceled because they were badly drilled. This affected the final recount and led the Supreme Court to annul a new recount, giving victory to Bush.
3- The objective of this law is to expand the control capacity of the government in order to combat terrorism, improving the capacity of the different US security agencies by coordinating them and providing them with greater powers of vigilance against terrorist crimes. The law also enacted new crimes and toughened the penalties for terrorism offenses.
The Patriot Act has been harshly criticized by various human rights organizations, due to the restriction of liberties and constitutional guarantees that it has meant for citizens.
4- At 9:45 AM, 42 minutes after the impact on the second tower, the government ordered all the airplanes in transit to land at the nearest airport, to avoid possible new attacks.