The objective was to be able to use biblical concepts together with philosophy and science in a complementary way, to help the most needy.
Step-by-step explanation:
Liberal theology was a theological movement whose production took place between the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Relativizing the authority of the Bible, theological liberalism has blended biblical doctrine with philosophy and the sciences of religion. Even today, an author who does not recognize the Bible's ultimate authority in terms of faith and doctrine is called, by Orthodox Protestantism, a "liberal theologian".
Officially, liberal theology began, in the evangelical milieu, with the German Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834), who denied this authority and also the historicity of Christ's miracles. He did not leave a single biblical doctrine unchallenged. For him, what was important was the human feeling: if a person "felt" communion with God, he would be saved, even without believing in the Gospel of Christ.