There is no difference as per statistical evidence.
We calculate t statistic from the formula
t =difference in means/Std error of difference
Here n1 = n2
t = (x bar - y bar)/sq rt of s1^2+s2^2
Let treatment I =X = 34 41 38 29
Treatment II Y = 39 48 35 36
Mean 35.50 39.50
Variance 81.00 105.00
H0: x bar = y bar
Ha: x bar not equal to y bar
(Two tailed test at 0.05 significant level)
N1 = 4 and N2 = 4
df=N1+N2-2 = 6
s1^2 = 81/3 =27 and s2^2 = 105/3 = 35
Std error for difference =
t = -1.02
p =0.348834
Since p value >alpha we accept null hypothesis.
Hence there is statistical evidence to show that there is no difference in the mean level of scores.