1- The correct answers are B and C. The Zhou metal workers caused great improvements in the field of agricultural production, by developing better tools to carry out the activity. Also, the developing of iron weapons and their spread to the masses helped the dynasty to surpass the period of Warring States, since the whole society was ready to defend the Kingdom from external agressions.
2- The correct answer is D. Because water is a basis for human life. Daoism affirms its principles by following the rules that nature imposes and the respect for it, giving each element certain characteristics. Therefore, acting as water has a deep meaning that is explained in the respect and devotion they have towards nature.
3- The WIND is especially important to China's early history. Winds from the Gobi Desert blow SEEDS onto the river valley. When the river floods, it then deposits the rich material onto the surrounding plain. Because of this, AGRICULTURE was made possible in China.
4- The correct answer is A. Oracle bones were used in ancient China as divination tools, especially during the Shang dynasty.
5- The correct answer is A. Confucianism compares a family with society. It considers that just as a father is the head of the family, an emperor is the head of the state. The mother is like the empress and the brothers are like the different classes of society. In this way, not only his close relatives are his brothers, his fellow subjects are also relatives of a larger family, the society. If both the family and society should function well and be happy and prosperous, they should take care of and protect each other. This is called filial piety.