Answer: Exam A
We must analyze how far are you from the mean in both cases, where the "step" that we will use to measure is the standard deviation.
In exam A, the mean is 20.5 and the standard deviation is 4.9.
If you scored a 27; then you need to see:
20.5 + 4.9 = 25.4
20.5 + 4.9 + 4.9 = 30.3
So you are within two times the standard deviation (more than the mean).
In the B exam, the mean is 1022 and the standard deviation is 214, where you scored 1209.
1022 + 214 = 1236
So in this exam, you are by one standard deviation away from the media.
With this, you can see that you did score better in exam A.