Scout is actually very grateful at this part of the story, but she wasn't the best neighbor. The children did not understand Boo very well and, because of it, they were harsh on him; often for no reason.
She is also grateful for being saved by boo when Ewell attacked them, but having given nothing to Boo is what bothers her.
Although you might say that the children gave Boo just the right amount of company and human interaction that he needed. Enough to keep his isolated lifestyle and enough for him to feel like he isn't the only human being in the world. When the kids were in danger, it was more than enough to drag Boo out of his reclusive way of living to help the kids, which also showed we all, and Boo himself, that he cared.
Directly speaking, though, even though subjectively Boo might have gained company or learned something from the kids, they didn't really give him anything actively.