Thomas Jefferson was one of the earliest and biggest advocates for egalitarism, he promoted political equality while most of his contemporaries were still pushing the idea that the rich and powerful should lead the Nation.
Some of his most remarkable domestic policies include:
-The extension of suffrage by eliminating property recquirements in order to vote.
-Individuals outside of the elite social class were now encouraged to actively participate in politics and pursue the chance to work in government positions.
-Cutting of useless offices and establishments previously created by the Federalist programs, as well as reducing of the army's budget and overall public expense.
-Lowering of the national debt from $83 million to $57 million.
-Approval of the 12th amendment, which change the procedure of elections for Presidency and Vice-presidency.
-Admission of the new State of Ohio to the Union.
-Construction of the National Road, connecting the east coast to St. Louis
-Rise in funding for public education.
As you can see, Jefferson's policies had many benefits for the development of the Nation, both economically and ideologically.
Hope this helps out!