Row III and Row V
Whole numbers are all positive numbers including 0. However, these numbers cannot have fractions or decimals. Integers include numbers that are negative and positive, however they cannot have fractions or decimals either. 0 counts as an integer, too. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Decimals can be rational, too - they just have to either terminate (end at some point) or repeat. Knowing these rules...
- -98 would qualify as an integer and a rational number - but not a whole number because it's negative. Row I is correct.
- 0 would qualify as an integer, whole number, and rational number. Row I is correct.
- -0.7878... would not qualify as an integer or whole number - it is a decimal - but it would qualify as a rational number since it repeats. Therefore, Row III is wrong.
would not qualify as an integer or whole number - it is a fraction - but it would qualify as a rational number. It can be written as a fraction. Row IV is correct. - 10.5 would not qualify as an integer or whole number - it is a decimal number - but it could be rational since it can be written as
. Row V is wrong.