Rocks made when, molten rocks cools and solidifies are known as igneous rocks. There are two kinds of igneous rocks:
1. Volcanic igneous rocks: These are formed when lava cools and solidifies on the surface of the Earth. These are also known as extrusive igneous rocks. These rocks cool faster than the Plutonic igneous rocks. Small mineral crystals are formed. These are fine-grained. These types of rock are composed of silica. Depending on different quantity of silica, these are known as Basalt, Andesites, Dacites, Rhyolite, Pumice and Obsidian.
2. Plutonic igneous rocks: These are formed when the magma cools and solidifies below the surface of Earth. These are also known as intrusive igneous rocks. Since these rocks have slow rate of formation, large mineral crystals are formed. These are coarse grained. These types of rock are composed of silica. Depending on different quantity of silica, these are known as Gabbro, Diorite, Granite and Pegmatite.