` The New Year`s Sacrifice` was written by Lu Xun, the chinese writer in 1924. This story raises many questions and topics , but mainly the author wanted to show attitudes towards women, marriage and society’s views on a person who was depressed, or traumatized. Lu Xun talked with us through the narrotor and through his story, he wanted to inspire people to make some changes in society. The society did not treat the low class of people who had no means of livelihood, even after the death of this woman, everyone continued to celebrate the New Year and did not attach importance to her suffering. The right answer is :`He is disturbed and confused by the questions she poses about death`, because the narrator didn`t want to hurt her and didn`t know how to treat a depressed person. He wasn`t terrified by the spirits. In addition, Lu Xun used flashbacks in order to show the character`s life and feelings.