The phrase that best describes Mandela's efforts at land reform is 'A.' The land reform advocated by Mandela was intended as way to right a wrong: apartheid. One important way to straighten things up was the redistribution of land, this is, the return of lands to the ancestral inhabitants of South Africa, which came to be known as 'the liberation bargain.' The constitution promulgated in 1994 granted the valid right of whites to keep the lands acquired under previous regimes, which virtually left not much land for the Africans.
Mandela meant well, but from the beginning it was clear that white people, in control of 87% of the land even though they stand for less than 10% of the population, would find ways to protect their interests and keep their losses to a minimum, for only 8% out of the 30% of the lands allocated for redistribution were handed over to African owners.