The Mayflower Compact was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony. It was written in 1620 by separatist Puritans which were running from religious persecution from England.
It is considered the first framework of government written in the United States of America.
Thomas Paine’s Common Sense is a pamphlet that advocates independence from Great Britain from people from the Thirteen Colonies, the reflects the difference between government and society and the need for separation between government and religion.
Both of this works bring the ideas of:
- Freedom of Religion (men inside the Mayflower were running away from religious persecution and Thomas defended the separation between State and religion.
Freedom of Press (Thomas self-published and distributed his pamphlet, without freedom of press this would not be possible)
Natural law (Thomas lists the rights that are “imprescriptible rights” such as life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness)
Self Government (Thomas and the Mayflower men defend that they are free from the British and they cannot rule them anymore)